6. Sequential Mode
welcome back to the pirate mini video
tutorial series for the bridge six
bridge for Midi controllers today we're
going to take a deeper dive into the
sequential mode
on my bridge six here I have set up two
switches here switch two is set to
sequential mode switch 5 is set to
sequential linked mode
so I've set six steps on the sequential
mode on switch two and when I link
switch 5 it will also control the steps
that I've set on footswitch 2. so you
can see here on switch 2 I'm on step one
and if I press it I'll be going to step
two but if I press switch 5 that's set
to reverse which means it'll be going
backwards through the steps so it's on
step one currently and if I press switch
5 it will go back to step six step five
Etc so let's show you how that works
we'll press switch two we'll go to step
two and you'll see the name changes as
step three step four step five step six
step five step four step three
four five six and back through to one
you'll say that each step has its own
unique color on the LED and it also has
its own unique switch label which you
can set to be anything you want up to a
maximum of eight characters
now let me show you how that's set up
Sequential Switch Settings
under switches we'll go to switch two
go to the configuration settings and
you'll see that we're in sequential mode
the direction is forwards for switch 2
which is why it goes step one two three
four five six and the send is on always
which means every time I press that
switch the associated messages on that
step will be sent immediately repeat all
means that when I get to step six I'll
press it again it'll go back to set one
and it will go through all those steps
again like I showed you then we'll go
Sequential Linked Settings
out to switch
the configuration is sequential linked
the direction is reverse like I showed
you six five four three two one the send
is set to oops is set to always
and the link foot switch it's links to
foot switch 2 as the primary sequential
Editing Sequential Messages
now let's look at the messages on switch
switches messages and we'll scroll
through to the sequential message stack
now this is a little bit different to
setting up normal midi messages in the
message Stacks so as you can see here
we've got a table of all our sequential
steps one two three four five six
Sequential Step Colors
it shows the color that the LED is set
to that will show the name of the color
on board if you've chosen one of the
default colors or it'll show custom
numbers one through twelve if you've set
any custom colors
Sequential Step Labels
on the right here you'll see the step
name so that's the switch label which
you can edit so that that will show on
the screen as you go through and here we
have controls to actually scroll through
and have a look at the steps let's have
a look at step six we'll press edit
and you can see now that we've got a
little bit different UI we are currently
set on the orange
selector so you can change the LED color
here let's change it to Yellow
and then we can move along and we can
actually change the step name here as
well so let's
change this
vtep 6 that sounds like a word and now
we'll press done if we wanted to edit
Sequential Step Messages
the actual midi messages associated with
that step we'll press switch 2 again
which says edit the step 6 messages so
here we just oops so here we're just
scrolling through the actual messages
then we want to edit it and then we can
go across and edit the color or the name
or we can press switch 2 which will let
us actually enter that steps message
stack so you can see here for step six I
just set a control change with all
values of six the channel is six the num
CC number is six and the value is six if
I wanted to edit that message of course
I would just press edit like any other
message and I could turn off some of
these outputs if I wanted to
let's go back or I can add another
Sequential Mode Limits
message you can have up to 16 sequential
steps and if you have 16 sequential
steps you can add one message to each of
those steps There are 16 messages total
that you can assign which means for
example if you have eight steps you
could set two messages per step or if
you have less than that you could set
more like you could set one message on
some steps and three messages on other
steps for example here I've actually set
it up so that if I go to Step One
and edit the step messages I've actually
got three messages you can see it says
edit one of three I can scroll through
those messages I've left them all on
channel one but I've changed the number
and value to two and three so we can
easily see what's going on there
and so because I haven't actually used
all 16 messages in the sequential
message stack yet I could actually add a
fourth message one two three four
like so change the outputs if I wanted
to save that and now I actually have
four messages which will be sent on step
one and then on step two oops sorry
sorry done say step two then I can add
more messages but actually at the moment
I've only got one message on step two as
you can see so basically you can set up
to 16 messages and up to 16 steps and
you can mix those however you like
having more or less messages if they're
available to you out of that total of
16. let's finish exit here
and here we are back on the main screen
as I said we've now re-labeled step six
Testing the Changes
which says vtap6
and the color has been changed to Yellow
as well
Repeat Settings
one other important setting you might
want to know about
is if we go to switch to config
you'll see the repeat section now as I
said repeat all just Cycles through all
the steps one after the other start to
finish then goes back to the start and
goes again according to the direction
that you've said however there are two
other options which include last two and
last three because we've only got six
steps let's just set it to last two for
now we'll save that exit the menu and
now you'll see on switch two once we hit
step five step six it will now just
repeat step five and step six every time
we press that message
Resetting a Sequence
the only way to reset this is to go to
the next bank or previous bank and then
go back and it resets the sequential
Sequential Smart Messages
State however you can also reset it
using a smart message so let's do that
we'll get it stuck on five six five six
like so and then we'll go into our
switches and on switch three
will set on the toggle on a smart
there we go we're going to set that as
Reset Sequential
reset sequential
for switch 2. now we'll just save that
and exit the menu and now we're still on
five six five six on this switch but if
we toggle this on it resets the
sequential back to Step One
some other smart messages you might want
Other Sequential Smart Messages
to look up include
reset sequential increment sequential
decrement sequential set the step
sequential so this one allows you to
Set Sequential Step
skip directly to a particular step so
you could have on switch 6 that might
instantly jump me to step four of that
step sequence so if I set that to step
on switch two
and then we go out of here let's
do that look at the toggle one is now
sent us to step four another smart
Queue Sequential Step
message you'll probably find really
useful are the Q next sequential and Q
sequential smart messages and what these
are used for is to actually send the
sequential switch to a particular step
without sending the message so you can
use a second switch like we've been
using switch 3 to go to step four but
the message won't be sent until you
actually trigger the action so here on
cue sequential we can choose the switch
switch 2 and cue the step step five I'll
press save and we'll exit and now when
we toggle on switch 3 you'll see it goes
straight to step five like we said so as
Tips for Sequential Mode
you can see the sequential mode is
really powerful it's particularly useful
for live audio looping particularly with
those last two and last three repeat
settings which can be used say for
record and over dub on over dub record
overdub record that kind of thing you
can also use it for stepping through a
particular set of presets with queuing
with targeting specific presets with
other switches can be really powerful
for limiting the range of the presets
that you want to access something else
it can be really great for is stepping
through a chord progression if you just
had a three Chord song you could set up
three or four midi notes on each of
those steps and you could actually cycle
through those chords that's just some
ideas I'm sure you'll come up with some
even better ones so by all means let us
know about them that's all we've got for
the sequential messages for this video
if you have any questions please leave
them down in the comments or reach out
to us on our Discord server or on
Facebook thanks very much