How to Change USB Device Name for BRIDGE6 or BRIDGE4

Customise the device name for easy USB identification

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Why Change the USB Device Name?

If you have more than one BRIDGE controller, you might find that selecting in your DAW, app, or operating system when you're using USB can be confusing.
To avoid any mistakes, you can completely rename the device so that when you plug it in it doesn't just say "BRIDGE6" but whatever you like!

How to Change the USB Device Name


In the onboard BRIDGE menu, go to:

Menu > Global > Device Name

and use switches 1 and 3 (BRIDGE6) or switches 1 and 2 (BRIDGE4) to rename it as you wish.

Web Editor

In the Web Editor, go to:

Global Settings > Interface Settings

Type the new name into the "Device Name" box to rename it as you wish.

Changes will not be put into effect until you press the "send to device" button on the main screen of the editor.


Whatever you set the name as, this will be reflected in the computer/tablet's operating system when you connect via USB.

Limited to 16 Characters.

This has no connection with any MIDI functions, and is purely for USB identification.

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